This week’s Comics (3/11/2015)

Deadpool #43, Ms. Marvel #13, Captain Marvel #13, Thor #6, Spider-Gwen #2, Star Wars #3, and Princess Leia #1

Deadpool #43:

All the feels. Duggan and Pohsein seem to be inclined to break my heart sa they go killing Deadpool in 2 issues.  I doubt this would be a good issue for a new reader to jump in on, but for those who have been along for the ride, things are getting intense.


Ms. Marvel #13:

Love. Love the art (in general, and I really like how Medusa was drawn in this style). Love Kamala’s street clothes (such a cute outfit! I want!) And love is in the air! Kamala has a crush and it’s adorable. Kamala is adjusting to live as a super-hero and as an Inhuman, and both those things are getting some attention in this issue. This is a start of a new story-arc, so a good jumping in point for those who aren’t reading this yet. Wow! Great fun, very pretty, much recommend!


Captain Marvel #13:

Carol is great as always but her ship seems to operate on Gurren Lagan technology: her will power and guts dictates what she can do with the ship. Almost no shields? No problem, she can just power through it! Your tolerance for that sort of thing will likely dictate how well you enjoy this issue. This isn’t a good issue for just jumping in, as this is a story tying up some of plot threads. If you’ve been reading along, this is a nice conclusion of some of the plots that have been going on in the series thus far. Next issue promises to be a Black Vortex tie-in. I’m probably going to bow at at this point. We’ll see.


Spider-Gwen #2:

Still enjoying the story. Gwen is awesome, even somewhat out-of-it with a concussion (complete with hallucinatory guest star). I like the drama with her father, the MJs get a brief supporting role, and we see more of AU Kingpin, Punisher, and Matt Murdock. So far, I’m enjoying the story.


Thor #6:

Odinson continues his quest to identify who the new Thor is, and much like the readers, he is denied that satisfaction still. Furthermore, we see very little of Thor in this issue; Odinson continues to dominate the narrative. We get more Dario/Malekith plotting, and a little more of Odin being a dick and Frigga calling him out on it. I’m getting a tad tired of not knowing or seeing much of the new Thor. I want to read a comic about HER, and not the constant Odinson manpain. The identity won’t be revealed until issue 8, and we’ve got an entire issue before that. I’m with the story until issue 8, but I’m not sure the reveal is going to be big enough for 8 issues of build-up at this rate. Particularly for readers like me who jumped into the story with the new Thor #1 and haven’t read the previous Thor story.


Star Wars #3:

An intense action-packed thrilling story. You know the heroes will survive, but the question is how will they, how can they possibly?! The art is pretty and the story is a fun ride so far.


Princess Leia #1 (came out last week, finally got to reading it)

I’ve read complaints on the art, and I get it. I would like the art if it wasn’t a Star Wars title, but it is, and it is a bit annoying. I’d like Leia to look like Leia. I’m not sure about the story either. I do like seeing Leia interacting with another woman, because Star Wars was seriously lacking in women, and I like seeing Leia dealing with the loss of Alderaan and her people, but so far it wasn’t feeling very Leia.  I’ll give it another issue, but I’m not super sold on this comic.

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