Weekly Pull List

Deadpool #42

Deadpool is hired by big oil company Roxxon, but changes sides to help the innocent people trapped by the big company. The end gets a bit squick gruesome, but in general it’s pretty typical Deadpool awesomeness.


Spider-Gwen #1

I was one of those fans loving the Edge of Spider-Verse story with her and was super excited to see this get picked up for a solo title. So what do I make of the new series? Mostly I like it so far.

First off, the art. I love how Rodriguez draws Spider-Gwen, but I’m not as into how Gwen and the other mundanes are drawn. That is, Gwen in costume looks cute (love that hood!) but I don’t like how Rodriguez draws her out of mask, nor how the others look. Its okay, not a deal-breaker, but I’m not loving the art.

As for the story, well, it felt like a lot was introduced but not much actually happened in the book, but that’s fine. It is only the first issue, and it teased a lot of interesting potential stories: Gwen’s father, a cop, knows. She’s on the outs with her best pals / band-mates, trying to clear her name and gain respect/recognition of the city, and a confrontation with Vulture! Plenty to go on from this. So yeah, it’s a promising start.


S.H.I.E.L.D. #3

S.H.I.E.L.D. gets called in to deal with a theft at Dr. Strange’s mansion while the Doc is away. The art is fine, nothing amazing, but not terrible. The story is a lot of fun.

I adore Coulson. I love Spider-Man. I love these two teaming up for a story. There’s some really cute Spidey bits, but Coulson is the star. <3 “THAT’S my ‘strategic function’?” and “It shoots a LOT of things” <3


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