Asian Gardens Shoot: April 26, 2009

Stanley Park Location

Posing by the Torii-like structure, Gai and Plum enter the Asian gardens.

Climbing trees is natural to the cat-demon Gai. Add the fact that the trees in question are sakura trees in bloom, and it becomes even better. Plum wasn't sure about climbing the tree in her kimono-dress, but Gai helps her up.

Plum agrees the climb was worth it, as she finds herself on a branch surrounded by the gorgeous petals.

And she doesn't even need Gai's encouragement to find herself climbing up into another flowering tree.

Meanwhile, Gai admires the foundation for an old bridge across a beautiful river.

As for these strange stone monoliths, neither has any idea what they are from, but Gai finds the view from the top quite impressive.

Wickham Park, that afternoon

Later, the pair explore another beautiful Asian garden. Resting in the shade for a moment, they admire the striking green of the new spring grass.

They follow a path through the gardens, coming up to a beautiful Asian-styled bridge.

Further into the gardens, they come upon some magestic evergreen trees. Gai enjoys the pine-scented breeze.

The pair sit among the branches of an ancient tree, a perfect ending to their adventure in the Asian Gardens